Personal Information
- Name: Vilasini Tinnaneri Sreekanth
- Email:
- LinkedIn: vilasini-ts
Ph.D. University of Paris-Saclay, France (Expected 2025)
- Dissertation Title: "Likelihood free inference using higher-order statistics"
- Supervisors: Dr. Jean-Luc Starck and Dr. Sandrine Codis
Integrated Masters in Physics S V National Institute of Technology, Surat, India (2019)
Masters of Science in Astrophysics University of Geneva, Switzerland (2021)
- Thesis Title: "Simulations of (global) cosmic strings with N-body simulations to investigate the impact of cosmic strings on large-scale structure formation."
- Supervisors: Dr. Martin Kunz and Dr. David Daverio
Conferences, Schools, and Talks
- Euclid-France Theory and Likelihood Workshop, Nov 28, 2022, IAP Paris
- Euclid France Meeting 2022, Nov 30–Dec 2, 2022, IAP Paris
- XV Tonale Cosmology Winter School, Dec 4–10, 2022, Passo del Tonale, Italy
- Future Cosmology, Apr 23–29, 2023, IESC Cargese, France (Poster)
- ADA X Summer School, Sep 18–22, 2023, Crete, Greece
- Colloque national Action Dark Energy, Nov 06–07, 2023, Annecy, France (Talk)
- TOSCA Reunion Meeting, Nov 16–17, 2023, Nice, France (Talk)
- Euclid-France Symposium 12, Feb 24–26, 2024, Lyon, France (Talk)
- Cosmology and Statistics Days, Feb 1–2, 2024, CosmoStat, CEA Paris-Saclay, France (Talk)
- Euclid-SWG WL Meeting, Feb 19–21, 2024, Innsbruck, Austria (Talk)
- COSMO21, Dec 21–24, 2024, Chania, Greece (Talk)
- Euclid Consortium Meeting, Jun 17–21, 2024, Rome, Italy
- Submitted: "Generative Modeling of Convergence Maps Based on Predicted One-Point Statistics", A&A
- Accepted: "Theoretical wavelet ℓ1-norm from one-point PDF prediction", A&A
- In prep: "Cosmological N-body simulations with topological defects", JCAP
Awards and Scholarships
- Excellence Master Fellowship recipient at UNIGE